Eshgh va Ashk Series

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Eshgh va Ashk (Love That Makes You Cry) Turkish Series Storyline

What would it be like to come from a quiet, rural town, where everything stays to same, only to grow up to become someone who wants to experience the world and everything in it? Ask Aglatir tells a powerful story of such.

Illustrated through the characters Ada and Yusef, these two exemplify a young couple born and raised in the Turkish countryside, only to decide it is time to move on. Both of these troubled but charming characters come from unsettled and lonely pasts but agree to work together to create a better life.

The young couple takes a leap and moves to the city of Istanbul with nothing but each other. This absorbing series showcases the powerful story of two young and naive lovers growing and learning beside one another.

Will the journey these two young spirits embark on be disastrous? Or will these two lean on each other and create a life they have always hoped for. What will happen when these two step into the unknown? Watch Ask Aglatir for a tender story of love, adversity and coming of age.